I spent most of last Thursday evening observing the Intake function of the Mustard Seed Foothills Shelter. Our Minister wants us to do this on a regular basis, but I don't really see this as necessary. It was worthwhile seeing how they have grown and what programs they have in place since we started funding them, but I'm not keen on working evenings and then having to catch up after I take the next morning off.
Our Assistant Deputy Minister visited our office, and met with me and my colleague on Friday and it appears to me that he is as stressed as we are. (I hope nobody from my office reads this.)
I had planned a nice relaxing drive to Banff with a friend on Saturday, but I was so tired and had one of those "Chinook" headaches that just wouldn't go away. So I just vegged at home and slept most of the day. What a waste of a weekend.
I attended my friend Kathy in the NE who was hosting an "Optionelle" clothing party. Just of curiosity I set my odometer, and it was 32 Km from my place to hers. This city covers such a big area, I don't know what we would do without Deerfoot Trail. Kathy and her daughter attended my "Weekender" party this past summer, so I owed her. I promised myself I woudn't buy anything because I just finished reorganizing my closet and thinning out my wardrobe so it could mostly fit in one closet. Yeah, right!
Tomorrow morning I have an appointment with the "hearing" specialist - probably need to get hearing aids soon. I'm not looking forward to it.
And that's all, folks.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Theatre and Jewellery Party
Saturday I went to the High River Windmill dinner theatre where they were playing "The Music Man". All the actors are local, and they put on a really good show. Even the local kids are very talented. The buffet is always delicious - salmon, prime rib, all kinds of salads and vegetables, super dessert table. Yum! No wonder I'm fat.
Sunday my friend Brenda hosted a Silpada jewellery party. They have some lovely stuff, Sterling silver and semi-precious stones, but I had promised myself I wouldn't buy anything because they are kind of expensive. However, I did end up buying a few less expensive pieces
See http://www.silpada.ca/
And Brenda had lots of goodies to munch on - more pounds.
Sunday my friend Brenda hosted a Silpada jewellery party. They have some lovely stuff, Sterling silver and semi-precious stones, but I had promised myself I wouldn't buy anything because they are kind of expensive. However, I did end up buying a few less expensive pieces
See http://www.silpada.ca/
And Brenda had lots of goodies to munch on - more pounds.
The Earings
My friend and colleague, Francesca (Frank) went to Mexico and bought these "designer" earings for $200. When she tried to wear them, she said they were too heavy for her, and her daughter wouldn't wear them either. Soooooo... I bought them from her for $30. I've never heard of the designer (Morgan) so it didn't mean much to me, but I liked the style.
Course, Work Project, Shopping
After sitting through a full day of "Wills & Estates" on Friday, I decided it would be a lot simpler to just outlive everyone. I have a will, it's just very outdated.
Saturday, I reluctantly got up early because I had to be at City Hall at 8:30 for Project Homeless Connect. All the homeless serving Agencies were represented, and the turnout was huge, over 1,000 people. I helped out at the Salvation Army clothing counter.
On the way home, I stopped off at Pennington's because I had a $40 coupon and I needed a new war winter jacket. It turns out the coupon is only good after Nov. 26th. But they did have 35% off and an extra $25 off the full purchase. I picked out a nice teal ski-jacket style, long enough to cover my butt, and with a hood. Then I spied a cute little indoor black jacket with red trim and big silver buttons - kind of a retro style, don't you think. Well, those are the exact colors or the new earings so I had to get it. Of course, it was on the clearance rack. It will look nice at some of the Christmas parties I'm going to this year.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Stamps are Champs!
Yep, the Calgary Stampeders are the Grey Cub champions. Final score W22 E14, western domination continues. Thanks to Henry Burris and the guys, Calgary is the City of Champions!
I hope one of those tickets I sold was a winner.
I hope one of those tickets I sold was a winner.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, Thursday
Some changes in scheduling made it unnecessary to do the 2-day trip to Lethbridge, so I was able to attend our inter-club social with the Stampede City Men's Progress Club last night. The guys were very supportive of our first big charity golf tournament this past summer, sponsoring the event to the tune of $10,000. They are a very solid club with well established regular fundraising events. To thank them, my club Calgary Eves hosted them at a nice upscale restaurant called La Vita Bella. It's in a historic property, sort of like a huge old house, and their food is very good. However, I think the decaf they served me = wasn't and I was awake most of the night.
I came home to find Al's Harley prominently displayed on my new deck. He says he actually built the deck as a platform to showcase his "baby". It does look pretty good there. I'll try to remember to get a picture on the weekend.
Today, an old friend from my AMHC days took me out to lunch, across the street for Leo Fu's Chinese buffet. Try staying alert after after a lunch like that when you've had only 4 hours sleep the night before. I kept in touch with Walter because he does a lot of consultingcontracting work with the Special Purpose Housing groups in my portfolio. Since our latest re-organization, I had to let those projects go to someone else - I just had to cut down on my workload with the new projects I am now working on. Walter and the groups are not too happy about this, but I hope whoever inherits them will give them the attention and support they need. Because they are very small projects (group homes mostly) with small budgets, they had been somewhat neglected before I took them on. Anyway, Walter and I will continue to have lunch and he'll keep me updated on what's happening.
Tomorrow I'm off to attend a course called "Wills and Estates". I'm overdue for an update so I registered when I saw it on the list of courses offered through our office.
And that's my week so far.
I came home to find Al's Harley prominently displayed on my new deck. He says he actually built the deck as a platform to showcase his "baby". It does look pretty good there. I'll try to remember to get a picture on the weekend.
Today, an old friend from my AMHC days took me out to lunch, across the street for Leo Fu's Chinese buffet. Try staying alert after after a lunch like that when you've had only 4 hours sleep the night before. I kept in touch with Walter because he does a lot of consultingcontracting work with the Special Purpose Housing groups in my portfolio. Since our latest re-organization, I had to let those projects go to someone else - I just had to cut down on my workload with the new projects I am now working on. Walter and the groups are not too happy about this, but I hope whoever inherits them will give them the attention and support they need. Because they are very small projects (group homes mostly) with small budgets, they had been somewhat neglected before I took them on. Anyway, Walter and I will continue to have lunch and he'll keep me updated on what's happening.
Tomorrow I'm off to attend a course called "Wills and Estates". I'm overdue for an update so I registered when I saw it on the list of courses offered through our office.
And that's my week so far.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Everyone seems to have Halloween pictures but me, so I dug out this old one from a few years ago.
Well, the dusting of snow we got over the weekend has pretty much all melted, and the temperature remains above freezing during the day, so no complaints there. I did get my winter tires installed, and the car is all winterized. I was able to postpone the trip to Lethbridge this week which works out well because I still have so much work to get done in so little time. The computers were down in the office today, so that gave me a chance to catch up on some phone calls and get my office somewhat organized.
I went to South Centre Mall on the way home to get a back X-ray (my right leg keeps going to sleep) and they have medical offices and labs in the lower level. Good timing since I fell on the stairs with a basket of laundry again. I had to tell the tech a few times "don't put pressure there - there's a bruise." Anyway, back to the mall, there's Christmas stuff everywhere but I'm not the least bit in the mood. I am looking forward to seeing everyone in Pickering (Ontario) where I will be spending the holidays this year. Al`s kids will be visiting LeeAnne and their father here. I hope they arrive a few days before I leave so I can get to know them a bit. I didn't get a chance to see then when I was in NB this summer.
I know this is all very boring, but I want to get in the habit of posting regularly. Should be an interesting weekend, though. Stay tuned.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Monday already?
It's Sunday night and I'm back at work tomorrow after being off since last Monday. I'll have to dive right in and hope things aren't too hectic. I have a chiropractic/massage appointment in the afternoon, so that will force me to take a break. I also have to drop my car off at Fountain Tire next door to have the winter tires put on, and might as well get the winter tune-up since I'm due for an oil change anyway. I'm supposed to travel to Lethbridge again for a couple of days mid-week. I might decide to postpone that - I'll see how it goes.
Then I'm on course on Friday (Wills & Estates).
I have to participate in Project Homeless Connects http://www.endinghomelessness.ca/default.asp?FolderID=1572
at City Hall on Saturday, and I have a dinner theatre that same night in High River. Sunday there's a jewellry (Silpada) party at a co-worker's house nearby.
Then I'm on course on Friday (Wills & Estates).
I have to participate in Project Homeless Connects http://www.endinghomelessness.ca/default.asp?FolderID=1572
at City Hall on Saturday, and I have a dinner theatre that same night in High River. Sunday there's a jewellry (Silpada) party at a co-worker's house nearby.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Lee & Al Road Trip 2008
Since LeeAnne doesn 't have her own blog site, I am taking the liberty of posting some of her pictures. It was a long trip for them, but they loved every minite of it. They went through the northern States and met a lot of very friendly and accommodation Americans. The weather wasn't great as you can see from the last 2 pictures. Al's kids were very happy to see their Dad and spent the whole visit at Mom's place. They're part of our family now. They adore Mom and she has adopted them as her other grandchildren.

NB trip (3) Fredericton
The site of my first apartment in Fredericton (98 York St.) in 1973.
After visiting relatives in the Miramichi area, Mom and I headed to Fredericton and the Grand Lake area. They seem to have recovered from the big flood which did a tremendous amount of damage.
My friend Mary and her boys visited me at Betty's and we all had a nice visit.
Next day met Glenna & Mike at Dimitri's in Fredericton, and got a chance to do some shopping. Got quite a bit at Aitken's Pewter which was always one of my favorite places.
NB trip (2) Convention

(That's Johnston, our 4th)
Captain Dan's

We kept well lubricated during the golf game with Vodka coolers and some kind of shooters I could not identify.
We had a georgeous day, and went back to the golf club for steak and lobster.
Group at the Big Lobster
The Canadian Progress Club National Convention was held in NB for the first time ever, and the Moncton clubs did us proud. The Beausejour was great, and the social events were held mostly off-site at area clubs. I particularly liked the Fox Creek golf course, and Captain Dan's in Shediac . The Disco night was fun, and the afternoon at the beach.
Oh yeah, and we got some Progress Club business done in between all the parties.
I could tell so many stories, but will just say it was a great convention with wonderful people from all over Canada who got to enjoy my home province for the first time.
N.B. trip(1) September 2008

Arrived Moncton airport Sept.13th after an exhauting flight.
I was supposed to go to Fredericton the next day for a CMHC reunion, but just too tired.
Had a nice relaxing visit with the family and admired Mom's new kitchen, Al did a wonderful job for her. He promised to do more finishing work next summer when he and LeeAnne will fly to give them more time.
Am I really back??????
Is it possible that I've actually figures this out?
I pray to the "Cyber Gods" to bless this site!
I pray to the "Cyber Gods" to bless this site!
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