Saturday, January 17, 2009

Nothing exciting, Just stuff

Ithought I'd better update before the cyber-gremlins snuck in and locked me out again.
Next week, I'm doing my first stint as "Acting Director" while my boss is away having some minor surgery. I was getting complacent since I had been able to avoid it so long. There's a fine line between having no interest in getting into management, and staying in the game. I just don't want to be responsible for anybody's work but my own.
I had my brush with the flu bug last week, but at least I didn't get the nasty cold Al had, and passed on to Lee Anne. I think they both wore themselves out when the kids were here. They had a really good time, and want to come back.
I've already fallen off the wagon at the gym, allegedly because of the flu. You know, I think there's a special place in Purgatory for fitness trainers, those sweet young things in their cutsey size 3 matching outfits, assuring me it will get easier. (Is that mean?)
While the East is shivering in unspeakable cold, we're getting balmy +10 weather while there's still tons of snow on the ground. What a mess. Calgary only plows the main roads because, historically chinooks have melted most of the snow away from the side roads. My back alley is in the shade so it's melting slowly.
I haven't decided yet if I'm going to a fellow progressian's 60th birthday party tonight, it's way the hell out in Bearspaw. Feels like a lazy weekend which is fine by me.


Alberta said...

Gee, I can remember loading the kids up in the car and heading 3 hours down the road for a Harvey burger!

Brenda said...

I am currently comtemplating applying for a management position at work but it is hard to decide since I am so comfortable were I am and then again I could use a challenge at this stage in my career. I have been in the same position for 7 years so there really is not much more I can learn. It's hard deciding if I want to be the boss or not.